Tuana Yazici revisited Turkey's Sea Turtle Research, Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre - Wildlife Reserve in Dalyan and donated 100 copies of her newly published book; Protecting Sea Turtles
Dear Club members,
Yesterday, I went to the Sea Turtle Research, Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre-Wildlife Reserve in Dalyan/Turkey, which is a one and a half hour drive away from our vacation spot in southern Turkey.
They were very happy when I donated 100 of my newly published book called “Protecting Sea Turtles.”
I got to see the sea turtle, named “Angel,” being treated with great care, which was found and brought to the hospital 3 days ago after being badly hit by a boat. Angel’s treatment would last for 2 years, and this was all over the news in Turkey.
Aside from having wonderful conversations with the volunteers from the Pamukkale University, I told them that I would be happy to share the contact information of this sea turtle hospital with Gumbo Limbo in Boca Raton, so that we can perhaps do some activities together in the future.
When I told them about our Turtle Habitation Club activities, they told us that they were very proud of us and that they would do anything to support our activities.
Attached in the email, you can find a letter they wrote about my visit and donation and also some photos.
Tuana Yazici